Monday, June 25, 2012


Mengajar adik membace,
Part BLENDER tu saya tnya lah dia,

Me : "Ok adik, ni apa namanya ?"

Adik : "ni vooommm, vooommm, vooommmmmm...."

Siap buat muncung,
Mula-mula kurang jelas tau,
Ape lah vooomm voomm vommm tu,
Dia cuba bt bunyi blender ! Haha.

Dia nk sebut nama dia tk tahu,
So dia bt bunyi.hehe
Adik oo adik ;D

With love,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.



I hate routine. Except when it comes to morning routines :) That’s something I try and stick to! ;)
There’s something about starting your day on a number of pre-planned actions that really set your day straight. Below I describe the ‘ideal’ ProductiveMuslim morning routine. (Note: I assume that Fajr Athan is at 5.00am and that work starts at 8am, feel free to ‘adjust’ the routine below to suit your timetable inshaAllah)

4.00AM – 5.00AM: 5 Essential Actions


1. Wake up!


Perhaps the first and most important step to having a great morning routine is waking up early! And it is in that moment of indecisiveness – whether you should wake up immediately or enjoy your nice comfy bed for ‘5 more minutes’- wherein lies the secret to either a great day or a crazy one. Here’s a tip that always works with me for waking up: You know how shaytaan whispers in your ears “just sleep for 5 more minutes”… I simply whisper back to myself “just wake up for 5 minutes” ;) Yup, you can imagine the rest. As soon as you’re awake and begin reciting the Adkhar and making wudhu, you can imagine what happens to sleep – (Gone! Left the building!).

2. Make the Dua(s) for waking up and recite last 10 verses of Surah Al-Imran


Alhamdulillah, we have a beautiful set of “waking up” supplications which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us. A collection of Wake Up Supplications can be found on My favorite is the recitation of the last 10 verses of Al-Imran (Chapter 3 of the Quran). You can almost feel your heart coming to life and being ‘juiced’ when the first thing you do as soon as you wake up is remember Allah & recite His Glorious Words from the Quran.

3. Make Wudhu


We can all agree, there’s something about wudhu that really focuses your positive energy and cleanses you inwardly as well as outwardly. I had a friend who used to call this feeling “WuBuzz!” short for the “Buzz” you feel after wudhu ;) Don’t forget to say Bismillah before starting wudhu and the dua after finishing wudhu! The 8 gates of Heaven will be opened for you, (not a bad way to start your day ;) and you’ll feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

4. Tahajjud & Witr


Tahajjud or Qiyaam has been described as the “honour of the believer”, because who else would go through what you just did (wake up, wudhu..etc) just to stand up and pray? The beauty of Tahajjud is hard to describe; from the feeling of tranquility in your heart and understanding the Quran better at this time, to feeling closer to Allah at a time of isolation from others and wishing that you would never get up from that prostration, to self-reflection moments that we rarely get a chance to exercise in our busy world… all of them and more come from Tahajjud! Finally, praying Witr after Tahajjud and making sincere dua to Allah is a true booster to your day!

5. Istighfar moments


Don’t forget to use the last 5-10 minutes before Fajr to ask Allah for forgiveness and making lots of istighfar so that you are among those Allah mentioned in the Quran: “And in the hour of early dawn, they (were found) praying for Forgiveness” (Quran, Chapter 51, Verse 18).

5.00AM – 5.05 AM: Fajr Athan

Say as the muaddhin (The person who calls to Prayer) says and don’t forget the Dua after athan. Supplications Related to Athaan can also be found at

5.05AM – 5.30AM: Between Athan & Iqama


1. Pray the 2 rak’ahs Sunnah of Fajr


Don’t miss this! Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The two rakahs before the dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all that it contains. (Riyad-us-Saliheen (Hadith # 1102). Just think about this hadeeth for a moment; 5 minutes of your time to pray 2 short rak’ahs are better than this whole wide world with all its’ lands, people, treasures, nature and beyond! SubhanaAllah!
Also, if this is the importance and merit of the Sunnah of Fajr, what about the obligatory Fajr prayer itself? (There is a heartwarming video reminder to those who neglect Fajr Salah called: ‘Are you neglecting the Fajr Prayer?’)

2. Dua


Did you know that the time between the Athan & Iqama is a prime time to make dua? Make the most of it! Narrated Anas ibn Malik: “The supplication made between the athan and the iqamah is not rejected.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book #2, Hadith #0521)

3. Lie on your right side


Narrated ‘Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her): “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) used to pray two light rakahs before the morning (compulsory) prayer after the day dawned and the Mu’addhin had finished his adhan. He then would lie on his right side till the Mu’addhin came to pronounce the Iqama.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book #11, Hadith #599)

4. Brainstorm session


I sometimes use this time to either plan my day, or brainstorm ideas for ProductiveMuslim/articles or just reading and writing. You’ll be surprised how active your brain is at this time! You’re awake, alert and kicking ;)

5. Quran memorization


Speaking of your mind being active, memorizing Quran at this time is incredible as well. I have tried memorizing Quran after Asr/Maghreb when I’m tired and back from work Vs. after Fajr. The difference is overwhelming, SubhanaAllah! After Fajr, your brain is truly like a sponge and it is the best time to memorize verses from the Quran :).

5.30AM – 6.00am: Fajr Salat & Dhikr


If you are a brother, and can get to a mosque no matter how far – go for it! The beauty of praying Fajr in the masjid is hard to describe. I prefer walking to the Masjid Vs. driving (cycling is good as well ;) since you get a chance to breath in the fresh morning air; Allah says in the Quran: “And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness” (Chapter 81, Verse 18)
After Fajr Salah, sit back, relax and enjoy performing the post Salah Dhikr and morning supplications.

6.00 – 6.30am: Recite, Read or Exercise


1. Quran Memorization/Recitation


Recite and/or Memorize Quran as mentioned previously, or if you have a good tafsir book, then reading the meaning of at least one page of the Quran is a great bonus!

2. Reading


Spend this time reading Islamic material. I stress that the reading must be Islamic, because as I mentioned previously, your mind is like a sponge at this time and is highly active. You want whatever you’re reading to be truly embedded into your mind & soul inshaAllah.
Suggested books to read: Hadeeth books, Stories of the Prophets, Seerah, etc…

3. Exercise


Another option is a quick 30 minute exercise. This could be jogging around the block, cycling, using a treadmill, some aerobics/cardiovascular exercises and anything that builds your stamina.

6.30AM – 6.45: Plan Your Day


This is where I plan the rest of my day, of course, using the Taskinator ;). Sometimes I check and send e-mails around this time as well to help me plan my day or set out tasks for myself and team members.

6.45AM – 7.00: Get Ready For Work


Shower, get dressed, and gather your paper work, (although organizing your items the night before makes this 15 minute process of getting ready a lot smoother!) Put things where you can find them so that you don’t waste time searching for them.

7.00AM – 7.10: Duha Prayers.


Nothing sets your day straight like Duha prayer, as mentioned in the “Top 7 Spiritual Productivity Habits” to adopt. Nu`aym ibn Hammar (Allah be pleased with him) relates that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Allah Most High says: O child of Adam, don’t fail to perform four rakahs in the beginning of your day, and I shall be your sufficiency at its end.” (Abu Dawud (1289) and Tirmidhi (475).

7.15AM – 7.30AM: Breakfast


Reward yourself for a ProductiveMorning with a big FAT hearty (healthy) breakfast! Try to avoid caffeine and have a fibre filled bowl of goodness to set you in good stead.

7.30AM – 8.00AM: Commute to Work


Don’t forget my tips about commuting ProductiveMuslim style! ;)
Imagine if all your mornings were like the above… how much will you gain spiritually? How much knowledge will you acquire? What will your mood be like for the rest of the day? Try the above, just for one day, and let me know how it goes inshaAllah.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Oleh kerana faktor umur (30 tahun)
Dia menghidapi penyakit alahan pada kamera, cukup alergik betul.
Macam lah dia tu artis terkenal dan terhandsome. So bila saya nak ambil gambar dia kena ambil posisi konon dia tak perasan, sebab bila dia perasan, dia akan memandang dengan tajam. Dan menutup muka dia dan ingin merampas kamera. Ceh !

Orang minat kamera memang macamtu agaknya kan ? Suka ambil gambar orang. Bila gambar sendiri dia jadi kelam kabut. Kalau mood bergambar ok. Boleh lah. Tapi statik. Berdiri tegak sambil tersengih, 10 keping gambar. Same je muke nye. Huhu.

Haish ! macammana nti kalau kawin nak shoot pre-wedding kalau dia malu-malu ni. ;p Kadang2 tgk gambar member-member dengan pasangan, macam sweet je bergambar pelbagai gaya. Tapi, pk balik. Eh ! Ok lah. X perlu kot ambil gambar terlentok-lentok lah. Rapat sana sini pada tontonan umum. Ada hikmah. Kan ?

Saya ni dah lah, suka amik gambar syok sendiri. Bayangkan kalau incik lalan pn suka bergambar. So kami asyik snap pic je berkepit kepit. Sandar di bahu lah macam kawan-kawan FB banyak buat. Tak manis kan ?

Allhamdulillah. Ada hikmah. So, uols kalau tgk gmbr kami berdua, jangan pelik lah kalau incik lalan macam tk pdg kamera ye. Sbb setiap kli sy ambil sure gambar tanpa dia perasan, kalau dia perasan saya ambil gambar dia. Pergelutan hp akan terjadi. Contoh, dia akan menggegarkan kereta supaya gambar mjadi BLUR (-_-") ye dia memang begitu. Sile jangan pelik dan terpedaya pada muka malu-malu dia.

Hehe. Ok, that's all.

Eh-eh, sat, semalam wahidah (adik incik lalan) add saya. Ye, ita, nadzirah dan dikmat memang dah kenal. Cuma wahidah ni saya belum kenal. So segan dan malu-malu kucing sikit lah saya. Maybe faktor umur dan incik lalan selalu sakat dan kata :

"Wahidah dengan kamu lagi muda kamu tau. Kite dah 30, wahidah 2_, kamu ?"-sambil dia gelak jahat

So bila diulang-ulang ayat tu, saya jadi "oh ! Seramnya !" Rasa shaking-shaking tangan. Yela, incik lalan tu abang sulung, rasa takut diri tak diterima. Takut tak setanding untuk berdiri disisi abag mereka *ayat konon pasrah ;p

Tapi, tadi dah bertegur sapa. Allhamdulillah. Berjalan lancar. saya hormat mereka sebagai kluarga incik lalan dan kalau boleh sampai bile2 ni, rasa hormat saya pada mereka, saya nak berpanjangan, incik lalan tu anak sulung, sewajarnya saya jaga nama baik dia.

Baik niat kita, InsyaAllah akan dipermudahkn dan direstui. Kan ? Jangan risau, saya akan jaga abang mereka yang selalu loyar buruk tu. Jangan risau saya tak dera incik lalan. Hehe

Ok. Gunait again :)

With love,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Excited nak beli buku ni !
Sebab, saya nak belajar dan terus bljar.
Mempelajari contoh peribadi wanita muslimah dikalangan isteri dan puteri Rasulullah SAW :)

With love,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.



Rindu pula kat mamat ni 

haritu argue dengan dia.

tak dinafikan, incik lalan ni kepala dia bab berfikir
memang pintar lah.
setiap soalan yang saya tanya memang
ada jawapan dari dia.
ye, saya kuat menyoal dan tanya soalan mengarut ok.
kadang-kadang tengah dating di tepian pantai
sambil makan seafood pun saya boleh terkeluar pertanyaan

"kamu, betul ke sesiapa yg melalui segitiga bermuda akan hilang ?"

hah. punya romantik suasana tiba2 tkeluar segitiga bermuda !
tercengang dia. haha
tapi, dia still jawab dengan tenang walau pun kadang-kadang dia
punya ayat di akhiri dengan "lembab" huhu
tak kisah pun, dia memang mulut kasar sikit.

dan soalan saya tanya dia haritu :
"memandangkan mak kamu ustazah,
actually kita still tertanya-tanya,
betul ke nabi isa meninggal dunia ketika disalib ?
ada yang kata 3 hari selepas itu, ada yg kata, tu bukan nabi isa?"

dan dia still menjawab dengan tenang,
terang dan jelas.
suka bila tengk dia terangkan.
rasa puas hati.
100 soalan saya tanya pun sure ada jawapan.

senang cerita,
umpamakan incik lalan ni sebuah komputer
yang dapat menjawab secara persoalan lh.
TETAPI, dia hanya bijak menjawab
TANPA memikirkan benda itu secara mendalam.
apa yang dia jawab memang logik,
tapi dia menjawab spesifik sangat.

contoh topik. *ini contoh

ok dia nak beli rumah dan dia kata pada saya
dia memilih kawasan yang lebih kepada 
kawasan terpencil.
contoh : banglo di sebuah kawasan terpencil

*gambar hiasan

ye, memang penuh kehijauan,
dan banyak kebaikan untuk kesihatan
dan apabila kita tua nanti.
tapi, come on lah,
rumah pertama, tak kan tiba2 nak cari rumah
di kawasan terepencil ? (-_-")

dan saya pula, TAK SETUJU DENGAN DIA
saya memilih
rumah yang dikawasan bandar,
means banyak kemudahan,
anak senang ke sekolah.
supermarket pun dekat,
hospital pun dekat kalau ada emergency
dan more kepada urban style

so, kadang2 disebabkan terlalu bijak,
ada juga yang kurang bijak. hehe
dan dia suka ikan dan something yg mendekatkan diri
dengan kehijauan dan alam sekitar.
tapi, kalau ye pun
rumah pertama kan ? logik please ;p

diatas adalah contoh semata.
bagaimana kami kadang2 tak sependapat.

tapi, at last after 10 minit,
kami ok. dan buat keputusan,
saya akan stju cdgan dia 50%
dia akan setuju cadangan saya 50%

pro dan kontra kadang2 baik utk phubungan
supaya tidak bosan.
tetapi, memerlukan sefahaman.
jangan asyik nak menang. calm down :)

with love,
Fatin Fashiekin

Friday, June 22, 2012


Kan saya dah pernah kata, danny dapat number 3 dalam exam. Saya dah janji nak beli kan dia fixie. Ye memang dia ada membuat tuntutan seperti yang saya sendiri dah agak.

Tapi abah kata, kalau nak beli basikal baru, tunggu awal tahun nanti. Sebab sekarang dah hujung tahun dan kat rumah pun dah ada 3 biji basikal tak digunakan, termasuk basikal awal ;p

tetapi, janji tetap janji. Dia tetap menuntut hadiah, so, belikan dia kereta control. Allhamdulillah sebab dia pilih pada takat harga berpatutan *fiuh !

Menghabis kan masa dengan keluarga adalah sesuatu yang indah. Apatah lagi bila dapat beli kan something yg buat mereka tersenyum.

Dan saya percaya, dan sangat percaya. Susah macammana pun kita, kalau kita menggunakan rezeki yg kita ada untuk keluarga kita, terutama ibu bapa kita. Nescaya ! Allah akan murahkan rezeki kita dan membuatkan rezeki kita sentiasa mencukupi.

So, jangan kedekut2 sangat ye. Duit blh dicari, kegembiraan ahli keluarga yang abadi ! Dan dah pesan pada danny "belajar betul-betul ! Nanti kakak bagi hadiah lagi" :)

With love,

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Rasa tk blh blah tgk muke adik !
Mama kata "hah, sebijik kakak nye"
Haha ;p

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


setahun 2 biji tv anak rosakkan, baru nak tarik nafas lega sebab tv mmg da ada, so next plan untuk sofa leather idaman. . TETAPI, baru sebul...